I used to wake up at 4AM with a really bad back ache and was advised by friends and associates to -Buy a new bed - put a board under the bed - lose some of "The fatness" - exercise, etc.
Well, the back is somewhat better but not all the way... I see the chiro one more time on Monday and I think that will be the last... Not because he has not helped, he actually has, but because I am still in pain and it has leveled out to where I suspect now I do have to actually do one of the two things suggested:
1. Lose "Da Fatness" and - oh my God, here it comes......
I even hate the word... EXERCISE...
Isn’t that what they do to demons????
They give them an "exorcism." It has the word exercise in it so it can't be good... Or just Ex-- Like an Ex-wife or Ex-lover.. Of course it could also be like Ex-fatness... So in that case, maybe it is not so bad...
It is 6:15AM, I am meeting someone at 9AM to buy a really cheap but really fun x-box!! I work at 1PM so really, I have no excuse to not get some of "DA EX" and walk my dogs doing it.. Sounds good! Good for me, good for my doggies (who are now sleeping inside the warm, quite house-shhhhhh.)
And now...
What I look like at 6AM....
(I think someone needs a haircut)

(I think someone needs a haircut)
Now imagine this fine looking man sitting here blogging and passing gas... (That is one of the many benefits people don't mention of eating too much food and not getting enough or any exercise...)
....Smell you later....
(I think someone needs a shower... baaaaadly)
The word Exercise IS 'ex'hausting. Way too many letters... a person must burn off 1K calories just reading the word.