And this

Yummy Chicken and Cheese with Iced tea.. That is all I had.. Ya see I looked in the fridge and saw this-V

And then I looked in the Freezer and saw this:

I put the potato's in there for the pic... From that I choose chicken with cheese for my first food... I have oatmeal but that would have been too healthy..
It was good though and I was full until dinner/lunch at 4PM. I struggled to get into pants to go to work. My wife and I purchased me some pants that were big enough but I remembered this morning were way too long so I had to squeeze into some shorts.. Nice belly shot ya think?

So it was off to work and the day was pretty good.. Then lunch/dinner at 4PM came and now for the reason I called this "My Scientific Study" I told you yesterday that I ate Nachos for lunch and would show you a picture of that the next time I did it.. Well, with that in mind I did it..
I am glad I did as I really need you to see what it is I am eating which I think will explain to you and show me why I am as heavy as I am...
Here is the pics.... Yes, they are real and Yes I did eat all of that... My Gd it is a wonder I have not had a heart attack... The first shot is of the plate, the cup of iced tea and a little heart shaped chocolate that they gave me for dessert...

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