I am Jay's best friend...
Jay wants to join this thing called Weight Watchers... He already paid for it but I do my best to keep him from thinking about it by reminding him about all the food he still has to eat..

Jay always knows I am there too, especially when he bends over to tie his shoe or tries to lay on me. I am so round he can't quite stay on his belly, (me) for very long because I make it uncomfortable for him. You see, I like to be in front. I like to be the first thing people see when they see Jay.. I wish they would acknowledge me more.. "My what a big belly you have!" Or, "Nice belly, how long did it take you to get that going?"
So, whenever Jay talks crazy like about diet stuff or too much exercise, I have to chime in and rumble and remind him there are restaurants and snacks and lots and lots of tasty food he has to eat NOW to help me stay up front and right there for him.... You know, if he did not need to put on shoes, I think he would have already forgotten his feet.....
Well, got to go, I just ate but I have to remind Jay another meal needs to arrive soon....
YOU NUT!!! Okay ... listen.... you can't possibly be that 'uhhhhja' b/c today at the traffic light - it wouldn't read 'us' on the bike and turn green. So see. If your Belly was taking on a life of its own, it would have gotten off the bike and pressed the 'walk' button.