Thursday, July 23, 2009

Operation Holding Jacob

So, I am sitting here with a bit of back ache.. Just woke up, at 8:30AM on my 2nd day off.. I am thinking about my grandson and how it hurts my back just a touch when I pick him up... I am also reading this book called "Get Motivated" by Tamara Lowe and it talks about getting involved in a group of people to help you on your journey...

So, I want to start this sit up push up thing as it would do two things... One, get my back in shape and also help my posture. Not a bad combination.

So, today,,,, I promise you and myself, I start.. ON PUSH UP, ONE SIT UP.... That is all. Just that.. Get down on the floor and do the exercise... I need your help here!

Although I have been in ABQ for about two months, I do not have a network of friends out here... I have a few friends but not the network of support I had in Cali... So, help me if you would! Just a little nudge! Help me Cali Friends and anyone reading this!!!

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