Good work out tonight! Went to the gym about 10PM and did 25 minutes on the STAIR MASTER! You have no idea what thats like until you do it...
Heart rate was pretty right on! (I recalculated what it is supposed to be before going to the gym)
I feel good, proud of myself... A step at a time.. No pun intended..
Then after the master I did another machine which I think is really fun.. It kind of lets you do a stride.. I will have to video it so you can see what I mean.. Helps me get that heart rate up again too...
Tomorrow I hope to do some weight stuff! Soon OB1... Soon...
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Early in the morrrrrrning
I love getting up early and going to the GYM... Today Jen Lei and I went pretty early and worked out.. NOW, I have the whole rest of the day, feel spantacular and have done, finished, completed my work out.. Already planning for tomorrow...
I took this pic cause I wanted you too see what I am seeing.. My face, my chin... Slimmer... Belly is taking its time but soon grass hopper, soon my belly will follow suite....
Oh yes and a side not....The Stair Climber is not correctly named.. It should be the ass kicker... 20 minutes on the stair climber is like four years... and I am not moving fast but the heart rate goes up to the sky! (Well, not over max but right there without trying...)
SO, within the next week or so, I will be starting to get some weight machine training... I want to do two days a week of that. On those two days I will do some cardio but a shorter amount just to get myself warmed up, then some lifting IRON baby! Well, some machines anyway...
All is well, I feel swell and I am looking better as you can tell!
I took this pic cause I wanted you too see what I am seeing.. My face, my chin... Slimmer... Belly is taking its time but soon grass hopper, soon my belly will follow suite....
Oh yes and a side not....The Stair Climber is not correctly named.. It should be the ass kicker... 20 minutes on the stair climber is like four years... and I am not moving fast but the heart rate goes up to the sky! (Well, not over max but right there without trying...)
SO, within the next week or so, I will be starting to get some weight machine training... I want to do two days a week of that. On those two days I will do some cardio but a shorter amount just to get myself warmed up, then some lifting IRON baby! Well, some machines anyway...
All is well, I feel swell and I am looking better as you can tell!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Every do or else....
OK, so what I have found out is; If I don't hit the gym, my back hurts when I wake up the next morning.
I have also discovered the Stair Master... I can get my heart rate up with out really going for it because I am working my legs. Thing is, if I don't hit the gym, my back kills me the next morning...
SO, I also have a friend who is going to teach Jen and I the weights, machines so we can work on specific body parts.. I am really looking forward to this as it is the one major piece missing from my workouts...
It is amazing to me that NOW I am talking about the one piece rather than the frustration of just not working out and trying to make that happen. I am still heavier than I want to be. That has a lot to do with what I eat... I am working on that too but as they say: "Rome was not built in a day." (I am not sure who they are but they have a good point.)
So, just so we are clear... Last year, (It has been almost a year now) when I moved out here, Bad shape, no gym, felt like an old man... Now, gym almost everyday, feel awesome, motivated to look even awsomer...(not a word but I don't care!)
Life is pretty darn good right now... Pretty darn good...
Just keep movin it and groven it and I will be there soon..
I have also discovered the Stair Master... I can get my heart rate up with out really going for it because I am working my legs. Thing is, if I don't hit the gym, my back kills me the next morning...
SO, I also have a friend who is going to teach Jen and I the weights, machines so we can work on specific body parts.. I am really looking forward to this as it is the one major piece missing from my workouts...
It is amazing to me that NOW I am talking about the one piece rather than the frustration of just not working out and trying to make that happen. I am still heavier than I want to be. That has a lot to do with what I eat... I am working on that too but as they say: "Rome was not built in a day." (I am not sure who they are but they have a good point.)
So, just so we are clear... Last year, (It has been almost a year now) when I moved out here, Bad shape, no gym, felt like an old man... Now, gym almost everyday, feel awesome, motivated to look even awsomer...(not a word but I don't care!)
Life is pretty darn good right now... Pretty darn good...
Just keep movin it and groven it and I will be there soon..
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
And Jeannette said......
There are times in your life when people say something to you. They don't intend it to have the impact on you they wish they had, but sometimes, it really, really, really sinks in.
Yesterday and co-worker and friend of mine, Jeannette was talking to me about my last blog. She noticed that in my blog I said that my wife and I went to "Wing Stop" and she was concerned because we where eating "crap". (Chicken wings soaked in sauce)
What she said was this:
"I just hate to see people working out so hard for nothing. When you eat like that it completely negates what you have just done in the gym."
Now, this might not be exactly what she said, but the point she was making drove home, deep.
I thought about it, thought about what I am eating, and how I feel after eating something like Chicken wings, ice cream, large fast food burgers and fries....
Then I thought about working in the gym for 45 minutes now, and how hard that is to do everyday and how great I feel when I am done...
I should probably feel pretty good when I am done eating but usually I feel a little groggy. Humm, that tells me something... Another friend at work suggested I write down everything I eat. Funny, I keep forgetting to do that!
So, yes Jeanette, I heard you. And I did not just hear you, I HEARD you! Wow.. Now every time I eat, EVERY TIME, I will be thinking about what I am putting into my body, how it affects me, what is it doing for me or against me. For whatever the reason, that sentence: "I just hate to see people working out so hard for nothing." Wow, what a great point. If I am not eating right, then I am asking my body to work overtime when it is already working overtime flushing out gunk because of the great workout..
If I work out that much and that hard, don't I owe it to my body to fill it with good stuff? I need to research more about good stuff to eat that is good for me so my body has an extra boost in between workouts too.
It makes sense to fill the body with good food before and after a workout otherwise, your bogging yourself down. What's the point of a great workout if you then fill it up with cement?
Wow.. I have heard it for years, I have heard it many times but I have never, NEVER worked out almost every day before.
Thank you Jeannette for helping me make that connection. You hit me like a deer in the headlights...
Like they say in the book "Younger Next Year" "Don't diet, just stop eating crap!"
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Oh how life has changed....
What working out has done for me...
1) I am happier every single day.
2) I feel better than I have felt in years.
3) I am less moody at work, and at home.
4) I feel more rested and enjoy more of my day.
5) I have lost weight, not a lot yet but I have lost it.
6) I don't feel guilty when I eat crazy once in a while.
7) I only eat crazy once in a while now, not every day.
8) My wife and I go to the gym together and it has brought us closer together.
9) People have commented on my attitude, my looks..
10) I am really so excited about everyday now. I feel like I can do this. I really can do this!
11) what is different now is that I have a plan and I have a way to regulate how I work out and if I am working out as hard as I need to, or too hard...
12) I am not longer worried about being old and fat and feeble...
1) I am happier every single day.
2) I feel better than I have felt in years.
3) I am less moody at work, and at home.
4) I feel more rested and enjoy more of my day.
5) I have lost weight, not a lot yet but I have lost it.
6) I don't feel guilty when I eat crazy once in a while.
7) I only eat crazy once in a while now, not every day.
8) My wife and I go to the gym together and it has brought us closer together.
9) People have commented on my attitude, my looks..
10) I am really so excited about everyday now. I feel like I can do this. I really can do this!
11) what is different now is that I have a plan and I have a way to regulate how I work out and if I am working out as hard as I need to, or too hard...
12) I am not longer worried about being old and fat and feeble...
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Going going gone.....

OK, the first one is in Feb of 2010. The second is tonight, March 11th, 2010... Not a LARGE difference, but there is a difference. I feel GREAT. I worked out for 40 minutes tonight on an elliptical. My plan was to do a light workout, but I ended up doing 130 to 140 bpm which is 75 to 85% of my maximum...
At 40 minutes I decided I am ready to move up to 45. I actually did do 3 minutes of cool down and the great thing is I felt great at the end...
I feel great now. The awesome thing is I did not want to go. But Jen Lei said, "Go, do it." And my plan to do a light work out made it easy to go as if I go, I went, no matter what I do for that time there.
There is a difference in me. I can feel it. My energy is way up. My mood is more stable and relaxed. I burn off bothersome tension with these workouts.
I ate like a bit of a pig today but this was like walking off the food. I was bad, but I feel good because I worked off some of that food goo in the process of 40 minutes at the gym..
This week end, or next week at the latest starts the new gym.. Defined Fitness which is a really good club out here. Spin classes, pool, hot tub.. Very reasonable price for the avid work out person, which my wife and I now are....
I feel lucky, blessed and content...
Monday, March 8, 2010
Home at last...
side of my heart, that I will work out.. Cause I feel great. I am not real happy today as I am a little tired and I was supposed to be off tomorrow but now I am working... BUT, I feel really great inside my body and that is a good thing...SO, I have to keep working out... Must continue to go to gym...
Yesterday was a good day. We did some house cleaning and some walking the dogs and some gyming...
Friday is still go day for the new upgraded gym.....
OK, so, I am tired of writing....
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Back in the saddle....
So, We, da wife and I, we went to the gym...
And at the gym, we worked out.. She doing her stuff, me doing mine!
I spent 40 minutes on the elliptical at about 75 to 85% of my max! I felt great! I was up, then down then back up but never below about 72% and mostly closer to 80..
What a great feeling to know I can do this... To be on the workout machine and just be going and going and going, listening to music, trying different machines each night so I don't get board.. I am loving it... I feel better, people tell me I am losing weight and the best part...
I feel better! So much better! I don't feel my age anymore... I still eat too much here and there but not often and I am losing weight!
So, next payday, we switch gyms... From Planet Fitness to defined so I can start workout classes and we can both enjoy the jacuzzi!!
Life is good..... Slowly but surely...
And at the gym, we worked out.. She doing her stuff, me doing mine!

What a great feeling to know I can do this... To be on the workout machine and just be going and going and going, listening to music, trying different machines each night so I don't get board.. I am loving it... I feel better, people tell me I am losing weight and the best part...
I feel better! So much better! I don't feel my age anymore... I still eat too much here and there but not often and I am losing weight!
So, next payday, we switch gyms... From Planet Fitness to defined so I can start workout classes and we can both enjoy the jacuzzi!!
Life is good..... Slowly but surely...
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Ouch.... Today my age came through...
So last night I worked out for about 40 minutes at about 80 to 87% of my maximum heart rate.
I did this on a bicycle... At the end I felt great, knew I had worked out hard and went home... No real fluids, did not really stretch out and had a hamburger.... BIG MISTAKE
I woke up at 3:30AM with a leg cramp. My whole body ached... Woke up again at 4 with another leg cramp...
It is 3:51 PM the next day and I am just now feeling better.. I was exhausted the whole day. Eat a little, drank a little and went back to bed... Even now I feel pretty wiped out...
So I guess knowing ones limits is a very important part of working out.... Also drinking liquids, stretching and just being careful...
The good news is, I have no "heart pains", no dizziness... just really, really beat....
I am glad this was my day off cause working today would have been a nightmare...
Slowly, I am coming back to being OK again... Man that was a lesson...
I did this on a bicycle... At the end I felt great, knew I had worked out hard and went home... No real fluids, did not really stretch out and had a hamburger.... BIG MISTAKE
I woke up at 3:30AM with a leg cramp. My whole body ached... Woke up again at 4 with another leg cramp...
It is 3:51 PM the next day and I am just now feeling better.. I was exhausted the whole day. Eat a little, drank a little and went back to bed... Even now I feel pretty wiped out...
So I guess knowing ones limits is a very important part of working out.... Also drinking liquids, stretching and just being careful...
The good news is, I have no "heart pains", no dizziness... just really, really beat....
I am glad this was my day off cause working today would have been a nightmare...
Slowly, I am coming back to being OK again... Man that was a lesson...
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Where I am now Cause ya want to know!
We are in like week three? Not sure.. I went to Cali for a week, then was sick for a week and did not work out during those weeks.... Went to the gym for 4 days in a row now..
The Difference is the Heart Rate Monitor I am using! I can see how hard I am working out.
Before, I would either work out too hard and screw myself up, or not be sure and get down on myself for not working out hard enough....
NOW, I have balance... I know where I should be and what I should be doing.
People at work are noticing my double chin is not so double anymore....
I feel tons of energy. Yesterday was my first "zone" workout.. I really felt like I was in the zone yesterday.. It was awesome! 35 minutes into my workout and I realized I was still pumping it. I was not tired, I was not hurting, I was not hoping for the end... I was ZONED.......
So, today I will go at night and next week, I think we will be able to join the new gym that has SPIN CLASSES!!! WHAHOOOOO!
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