^^^^^^Eating right^^^^^
Exercise -------------- Rest
Today I started to work on what I like to call "The third point of the pyramid" I went to my first Weight Watchers meeting with with my wife and BBF Jenifer Leilani..... We went to Wal Mart this mornig and shopped for food... While I am typing this I am eating, happily, Orville Redenbacher's Pop Corn and I love it.. It is zero points and 1000 points delicious!!!
As you can see... Holly is helping me clean up any crumbs I drop....

My next meeting is next week... I really, REALLY want to lose at least 5 pounds by then...
I am hoping for the best. This is the last part. I am exercising, getting good rest, now with the diet plan in place, if I continue to do all three I truly believe the weight will begin to fall away..
Stay with me people.. This is the MOST excited I have been in a while!!!
Lets do it together!!
I wish I had more points to start off with. I am thinking that maybe I will 'gain' some weight so I can get those extra points.
ReplyDeleteNo, okay, I won't.
Yeah today went well. I like how you can have what you want just stay within the points framework.
You may have noticed that all the can's, bags and bags in the freezer have the # of points it is for each serving written on them. :) Yep I am good.
- As Zig says - 'See ya at the top!'