My name is Jay. I am 45, 5 foot 11 and 260 pounds.... I have tried many diets... Some have worked for a while.. Jenny worked for over a year.. Some have worked for a month.. I did this 6 week thing that worked for me for about 5 weeks...
It is not the diets. I am not blaming. I do remember one "Diet Center" where the lady said... "When I get hungry I just think of the starving children in Ethiopia and I can starve myself a little.. I like to starve myself like that because it is kind of fun..." Did I mention her eyes where kind of glassy when she said that.. Not drugs,,, just that cult kind of look when you are no longer there...
Having written the above... I hope your not expecting me to now talk about how I have "FOUND IT!" How I one day stumbled upon the cure and I am now going to share it with you for only $49.95 for your first installment. "But wait there's more!"
No, sorry, not going there... This is a blog for real people with real struggles... Mainly me and my wife Jenifer. We have tried for the ten years married together to make it happen. Lose the weight... Has not happened yet. But wait there's more!!
I am hoping with this blog to chronicle my days, share my experience, my fears, hopes successes and yes; the invariable losses and I am not talking weight losses I am talking falling off the wagon losses I will experience.. We all do so lets not say: "From this day forward I will not falter! I will not waiver and you and I dear reader will do it together! For only $49.95!!!!"
Lets just say... Weight, weight don't tell me...
I made that choice because I like the show on PBS which has nothing to do with weight loss but is fun and witty. The thing is, I don't really want to know what my weight is. I don't want to know that I am not losing it. I just want the weight to go away...
So maybe, just maybe - together.. The three of us.. My wife Jenifer Leilani, myself Jay, and you can somehow, some way, get down to the nitty gritty and get in better shape, feel better, look better- FEEL BETTER... I don't need to look like some movie star, hell I don't even need t be rail thin, just enough so when I tie my shoes I don't have to breath out and hope I don't strain my back.....
I promise I will TRY to blog each and every day with my progress and I will do my best to put some thought into it.. Jenifer will most likely blog too. I want to make my blogs more than.. "Did not work out today, overate..."
Today, by the way, I had Spaghetti "O's" and then claim chowder for breakfast... I did walk the dogs which I will have pictures of soon... I took them on about and hour walk.. Leisurely, not like jog walk... It was nice, fun and I listened to my I-Pod on most of it.. I feel good right now.. Have my ice tea next to me and just had a cookie... I will try to go make a healthy lunch... Yeah right...
Wish us luck......