There are times in your life when people say something to you. They don't intend it to have the impact on you they wish they had, but sometimes, it really, really, really sinks in.
Yesterday and co-worker and friend of mine, Jeannette was talking to me about my last blog. She noticed that in my blog I said that my wife and I went to "Wing Stop" and she was concerned because we where eating "crap". (Chicken wings soaked in sauce)
What she said was this:
"I just hate to see people working out so hard for nothing. When you eat like that it completely negates what you have just done in the gym."
Now, this might not be exactly what she said, but the point she was making drove home, deep.
I thought about it, thought about what I am eating, and how I feel after eating something like Chicken wings, ice cream, large fast food burgers and fries....
Then I thought about working in the gym for 45 minutes now, and how hard that is to do everyday and how great I feel when I am done...
I should probably feel pretty good when I am done eating but usually I feel a little groggy. Humm, that tells me something... Another friend at work suggested I write down everything I eat. Funny, I keep forgetting to do that!
So, yes Jeanette, I heard you. And I did not just hear you, I HEARD you! Wow.. Now every time I eat, EVERY TIME, I will be thinking about what I am putting into my body, how it affects me, what is it doing for me or against me. For whatever the reason, that sentence: "I just hate to see people working out so hard for nothing." Wow, what a great point. If I am not eating right, then I am asking my body to work overtime when it is already working overtime flushing out gunk because of the great workout..
If I work out that much and that hard, don't I owe it to my body to fill it with good stuff? I need to research more about good stuff to eat that is good for me so my body has an extra boost in between workouts too.
It makes sense to fill the body with good food before and after a workout otherwise, your bogging yourself down. What's the point of a great workout if you then fill it up with cement?
Wow.. I have heard it for years, I have heard it many times but I have never, NEVER worked out almost every day before.
Thank you Jeannette for helping me make that connection. You hit me like a deer in the headlights...
Like they say in the book "Younger Next Year" "Don't diet, just stop eating crap!"