Thursday, March 12, 2009

My day as Jay

Today I went to the gym. Gym fest continues. I told the trainer that we could not afford him right now but when tax returns came we would reconsider. Nice guy, was an actor in a few movies that he said never got released... He was not kidding, I looked up one of them and it was cool to see a clip or two with him in it..

As for me.. I did treadmill for 30 minutes today. Good pace, 1.7 miles. I am going to do the rowing machine tomorrow. I want to keep switching up the machines so I am not stuck in any one place and I don't get board.

Anthony, the trainer, had me do a little weight training and some sit ups. I will continue to do the sit ups but I think I will hold off on the weights right now. I want to work my lower back and cardio. I feel good. After the gym I took our dogs on a really long walk, then mowed back and front lawn, did some weeding. Good day.

My knee is still hurting a bit but not as bad as it was. I am going to get some pain killers so I can get a great nights sleep and not wake up with the raging back ache. I saw my Chiro yesterday and I feel loose today so that is good. My body get tight every three weeks and I need to get it cracked to help me loosen up.

I am hoping with more exercise I will not have the back pain, stomach bulge and knee prob....

One step at a time...

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