I don't want to go to the gym today. I might latter tonight but I am not doing the spinner class today. I woke up with a sore knee and a sore back.
This is day two of my two days off. I have split days coming so I decided I wanted a day of rest. I wanted a day where I could: 1) see my grandson.
2) mess around the house and play with my dogs.
3) Maybe actually hit my 360 for like 30 minutes!
I bought that thing a few months ago and have used it maybe twice....
Thing is, I like to read in bed before I go to sleep. Right now the book of choice is "The Wizards First Rule." It is a book in the style of Tolken with people on a quest etc.. I am really enjoying it and one of the things I love about the book is that it is BIG. Not is size, in width. I love books that are fun to read that go on forever!!!!! It has a good story to it....
So it is 9AM, I have to work tomorrow and as I have said, I like my job so there is no problem there. But today is my off day and off I go! I am sure I will be back with more before the day is done....
Side note: So Jay; Why no pictures of your food?
Well, the thing is, if I take pictures of my food, I have to think about what I am going to eat. If I have to think about what I am going to eat, I might not eat it. My exercise has been pretty steady but my food has not improved a whole lot. But I could not tell you that for sure as I have not taken pictures of it...
SOOOOO - OK, starting today... with lunch, I will start including my daily food in my blog again...
oh man! twice?.... pleeeeeze we know better than that.