Monday, January 11, 2010

Question: Is it OK to be excited about work?

Question: Is it OK to be excited about work?

The thing is, I am a manager and as a manager in sales, my job is to motivate others. How can I motivate them if I don't care? How can I motivate them if I don't like the job? Well the flip side is, the more I care and the more I enjoy my job, the more I can motivate them right?

Well, then when I get up and am excited about the training I just came back from and I am excited about getting to work to utilize that training to help those who are struggling make more money and higher status, is that wrong????

Or am I lucky to be one of the few who truly feels he can make a difference and my biggest worry is how to best put it into practice... I think it is time to "GET MOTIVATED" and not worry about what others think!!!!!!!

Someone who I can call a friend and the author of Get Motivated, Tamara Lowe asked me to look at the "Goal Achievement Blueprint" in her book "Get Motivated," I own a copy, so I did...

Now I have two very important things working for me..
1) A network of friends from work to help me reach my personal goals
2) A game plan to make it happen....

I thought about how to utilize it for my weight loss and then realized, I can use it for work too!
Thank you to all my friends for your suggestions and thank you to Tamara for the game plan!!!

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