Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ups and downs of Gym and life..

So, I worked out yesterday... First time in four days.. Yesterday I did not so much work out as attend the gym.  I was on a treadmill but not going very fast and not working very hard.. Jenifer Leilani was the one who encouraged us to go.

She had been gone and I did work out while she was gone but my last FB entry saying I was not going that night turned out to be not just that night but the three consecutive nights after...

We did go last night and it is good. I went.. Did not do so much but I went..

I am home today. Day off and taking care of my dog Pax.. He was throwing up yesterday and this morning.. Went to the Vet who gave him a shot and gave me instructions on how to make him better and an $85 bill.... Since this morning he has been drinking a little water at a time (1/2 cup) and I gave him a little food and some pepto for doggies.. Oh yeah, and working on the rug to get the mess up....

As for me... Tonight feels like a raw, hard workout night. Stair master, stride master.. Jay master.. I need it. I need the endorphins  push too.

Well, gyming it helps. Tomorrow night, we are going to have a short session with a friend who will be training my wife and I on the lifting systems at the gym so we can start moving into that area...

Lastly, why the mask? Cause I have been so busy taking care of Pax, from getting up 2 times in the night and then getting up again at 6:30 AM and going to the vet, cleaning the rug, poop outside, etc.. that I look like do do myself and a mask seemed appropriate...

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