Friday, March 26, 2010

Every do or else....

OK, so what I have found out is; If I don't hit the gym, my back hurts when I wake up the next morning.

I have also discovered the Stair Master... I can get my heart rate up with out really going for it because I am working my legs.  Thing is, if I don't hit the gym, my back kills me the next morning...

SO, I also have a friend who is going to teach Jen and I the weights, machines so we can work on specific body parts.. I am really looking forward to this as it is the one major piece missing from my workouts...

It is amazing to me that NOW I am talking about the one piece rather than the frustration of just not working out and trying to make that happen. I am still heavier than I want to be. That has a lot to do with what I eat... I am working on that too but as they say: "Rome was not built in a day." (I am not sure who they are but they have a good point.)

So, just so we are clear... Last year, (It has been almost a year now) when I moved out here, Bad shape, no gym, felt like an old man... Now, gym almost everyday, feel awesome, motivated to look even awsomer...(not a word but I don't care!)

Life is pretty darn good right now... Pretty darn good...

Just keep movin it and groven it and I will be there soon..

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