So, I bet your wondering if I, we, have been keeping with the plan of going to the Gym each and every day.. Or doing three on and one off...
Well.... as they say somewhere back east... You bet
cha!!! We have faithfully been going to 24 hour fitness each and every day except for yesterday as we both need a day of rest. My upper body is sore, my lower body is sore, I feel fantastic. What I mean by that is my body is sore and achy but not a sickly kind of achy.
My body, outside of recovering from working out, is at peace. I have a ways to go with weight loss. Watching my portion size is a challenge but I am keeping up with it as best I can.
If you have been reading this,,, The three of you, then you might have noticed I stopped taking pictures of what I have been eating. That is because I got tired of showing you all the trash I have been putting down my gullet. It has gotten better though. Outside of the cookies and milk of last night, I have eaten salads, little fast food. Not the every other meal, every day thing I was doing..
I will start putting in pics again of what I am eating and how much. It is hard to get the pics from the phone to the camera. Believe me when I say, the days are long and at the end of the day the last thing I want to do is start fiddling with my phone and the computer and etc..
We went to the gym today and I met with a trainer. He is 56 years old and is tall with good posture. Seems like a nice guy. I liked that he was not real comfortable selling us on the training program. Not because it is a bad program, because he trains and he does that well. He does not sell. I would rather have a great trainer who is an OK salesman than vice-
Leilani and I have to talk about how much we can spend to commit to this program. In the past, I have shied away from these type of things but I like the way this guy works and my wife, J L, is also
interested and that thrills me....
So, I am sitting at my daughter and son-in-laws house while my daughter sleeps, the grandson sleeps, my wife it helping to prepare some meals for them and I am
Today I learned to use a rowing machine. I did a little weight work on some machines with Anthony who is the training I hooked up with. I also did some sit ups
which did not hurt my back. That is a very good thing... I will be doing more of those.... Also walked daughters dogs for a long walk....
I am excited about this phase of my journey. I am hopeful with the right guidance, self praise and commitment from Jenifer
Leilani to do it with me that I can really, really make a change in my life and a year from now look back at this blog and say....
"Wow, remember when I was heavy?"
I will put in pics tonight...